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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is the art, science and philosophy of locating interference to the nervous system, which has been caused by vertebral subluxation (misalignment of vertebrae), and then the adjustment of these vertebrae (realignment). This allows the body to regain and maintain a state of optimal health. 
Chiropractic is based on the understanding that health depends upon a healthy nervous system. Your nervous system is made up of your brain, spinal cord and nerves. The spinal cord emerges from the brain, travels down the spine and then branches out to form nerves which travel to every cell tissue and organ of the body. 
The spinal cord is protected by the movable bones of the spine. Stressors (physical, chemical or emotional) can cause these bones to become subluxated (misaligned) causing interference to the nervous system. Chiropractors call this misalignment a vertebral subluxation complex or subluxation. Chiropractic teaches that by correcting the subluxation and restoring correct spinal biomechanicswhich in turn allows optimal health.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

The adjustment is a gentle manual force or thrust applied to the misaligned vertebrae (subluxation). This is done either with the hands or an activator instrument. This adjustment helps restore the alignment and mobility of the vertebrae, removing the interference to the nervous system and allowing for optimal health and wellbeing.

Are all Chiropractors alike?

No, not all chiropractors are alike. Chiropractors today differ greatly in their technique and philosophy. There are basically two types of chiropractors; The musculoskeletal symptomatic chiropractors who work on symptom/pain relief, and the traditional principled chiropractors who work on subluxation and structural correction of the spine. At the Clukey Family Chiropractic we practice principled chiropractic. 
Principled chiropractic is focused on finding and correcting the cause of the problem rather then covering the symptoms. 
When choosing a chiropractor, you should base your choice on your health care philosophy and goals. If your health philosophy is achieving and maintaining optimal health and preventing dysfunction and dis-ease, choose principled chiropractic.

What is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?

The brain controls and regulates all functions of the body. Messages from the brain to every cell, tissue and organ of the body are sent via the spinal cord and nerves. The brain attaches to the spinal cord and nerves at a critical area in the upper neck (upper cervical spine). 
If there is a subluxation in this area there will be interference or distortion of the messages from the brain to the body. Left unchecked this subluxation leads to a decrease in the health and wellbeing of the individual. An upper cervical chiropractor will specifically correct the subluxation at this critical area allowing the nervous system to function at 100%. 
Research shows that a specific upper cervical adjustment causes changes to the way the whole body functions. We address and adjust the full spine, but will always focus on the most important area. 

How long do I need to receive chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is for life. Just like brushing your teeth, eating healthy and exercise. Chiropractic should begin at birth and be a regular part of one's life. Everyday stressors can cause subluxations. Our busy lifestyles, poor posture, long periods of sitting, slips, falls, incorrect lifting, accidents, emotional traumas, etc. all place stressors on the spine, which can lead to subluxation. Even young children and babies are placed under the stressors which cause subluxation, like bumps, falls, knocks, even the birth process itself. 
So regular chiropractic checks and adjustments are essential to every person's health and wellbeing. Even your chiropractor has a chiropractor. On your first visit we will assess your spine and nervous system to determine the best care program for you. Your initial frequency and length of care will depend on the condition of your spine and nervous system. The goal is to achieve optimal spinal health.


Is chiropractic care safe?

Chiropractic is safe for all ages. From the newborn to the elderly. The scientific practice of chiropractic has been well documented as not only to its effectiveness but also its safety. It is a much safer then taking muscle relaxants or surgery. 
In fact research shows it to be 250 times safer than taking pain relief medication (aspirin). This is due to chiropractic being a non-invasive type of care. Therefore the body's response to chiropractic care is more predictable than its reaction to drug treatments or surgical conditions.  That is why malpractice insurance premiums for a chiropractor are only $600 - $3,000 per year, compared to M.D. malpractice costs of $22,000 - $175,000 per year for the same liability limits.
The chiropractor will evaluate you and modify their technique to suit the individual to make it as safe as possible for all involved. 
Chiropractic adjustments should only be performed by a professional who has had professional training and experience in performing spinal adjustive techniques. That means your doctor of chiropractic.

What are the educational requirements to become a chiropractor?

The training to become a chiropractor is virtually the same as for all other health care professionals. The course requirements are a four year degree at a recognised chiropractic college after undergrad. The curriculum has a special emphasis on anatomy, physiology, radiological and of course spinal adjusting techniques. The basic science portion is equivalent to the study undertaken by a medical degree. 
Each year, like other health professionals, chiropractors must complete additional post-graduate continuing education seminars. These along with the reading of professional journals keeps chiropractors in touch with the latest developments in their field.

This is a Vertebral Subluxation

Notice how the vertebra indicated by the arrow has moved posteriorly only by a few millimeters and is putting pressure on the nerves inside the circle. This will prevent the messages traveling along those nerves from reaching their destination whether that be a cell, organ, muscle or your brain.

Your nerves are highlighted here in yellow. Trace the nerve from the organ pictured back on the right to where it originates in your spine. 

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